22 February 2010

let the gardens begin!

we've got green things growing in our basement! i started some seeds for cold-weather plants: brussel sprouts, leeks, parsley--and i also brought in a few of the seedlings that are barely hanging on outside in the cold frame. so, we have some lovely cabbage and broccoli starts warming up under our new grow light.

i didn't think it was possible to be more excited about the gardening season than i was last year...or the year before, for that matter. but, i am. this year, i have a better home garden space, and i am doing an internship with mother hubbard's cupboard--in the youth gardening program at the banneker center. this means i have two gardens to play in, and i get to teach a group of eight-year-olds about the joys of growing your own food!

plants are amazing things, ya know? last week, we needed some fresh thyme and sage leaves for a recipe. i went out into the back yard, to the spot where our thyme plant lives, brushed aside a half a foot of snow, found the layer of straw i'd put on top, in the late fall (hadn't remembered that i'd done that), and there i found those tiny, tear-drop-shaped leaves, all fresh and green and ready for soup! such a treasure. the sage was easier to spot, it's still standing, with silvery leaves peeking up out of the snow.

muddied my boots and warmed my heart.


6512 and growing said...

Those mediterranean herbs are so hardy! I just had the same experience with chives. A tiny patch of south-facing snow melted and there were the chives! They even started growing...until the next snowstorm.
Thanks for commenting on my blog.

mep said...

You're warming my heart too. My hope is that when/if we move (even if it's not to Bloomington), I'll be able to plant a little garden.

I'm going to need your guidance when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful about your internship at Mother Hubbard's! Those are lucky 8 yr olds to be able to learn from you.

We've not started our seedlings yet, but in a week or so, we'll start something in the greenhouse.

We've found that sage is really easy to dry and keeps incredibly well. I'm impressed that yours has lasted the winter in the ground!